These are all the 1.0 APIs that have been deprecated since 23-Jan-2019. Please use the latest version of API 2.0.


Get List of campaigns using this API method. The 'page_start' field omits the specified number of returned records. For example 'page_start' value is 50, this REST request skips the first 50 records returned.

This API method is use for getting list of campaigns.
Default page size of campaign list is 10.
curl -H "MicroworkersApiKey:YOUR_API_KEY" -X GET ""
from pprint import pprint
from MW_API import MW_API
mw_api = MW_API('YOUR_API_KEY')
res = mw_api.do_request('GET','/campaign/get_list/0/format/json', {}, {})
use MW_API;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my $mw_api = MW_API->new('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY');
my $res = $mw_api->do_request('GET', '/campaign/get_list/0/format/json');
print Dumper($res);

include "includes/RESTClient.php";
define("cAPI_KEY", "YOUR_API_KEY");
define("cAPI_URL", "");
$client = new RESTClient();
$client->setUrl(cAPI_URL . "/campaign/get_list/0/format/json");
$response = $client->getLastResponse();
echo $response;
using System;
using MWAPI;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class Test{
  public static void Main (string[] args){
    MW_API MW_API_Client = new MW_API ("YOUR_API_KEY");
NameValueCollection postData = new NameValueCollection();
    string body = MW_API_Client.getRequest("/campaign/get_list/0/format/json");
    Console.WriteLine (body);


Result Format

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "response": {
    "campaigns": [
        "campaign_id": "904b125ed78d_HG",
        "campaign_title": "TTV-Variable Extract"
        "campaign_id": "c5f6cebe2baf_HG",
        "campaign_title": "TTV-non-qualification test"
        "campaign_id": "a59ab7c3ff19_B",
        "campaign_title": "TTV-Survey"
    "count": 3,
    "page_start": 0,
    "page_size": 10
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "TTVAPI-E0004:TTVUser-E0002:User not found with given api key"